Anzaplan partner in leading HREE project Norra Kärr (TASMAN METALS Ltd.)

ANZAPLAN announces the collaboration with Canadian-based Company TASMAN METALS Ltd. for further optimization of pre-concentration of REE- and Zr-mineralized sample material from Tasman Metals’ Norra Kärr HREE Project at ANZAPLAN’s technical center.
Norra Kärr is a peralkaline intrusion which consists of rocks which include mineral phases that are REE-, Zr-, Nb- and Hf-bearing. Main ore minerals are the REE-bearing minerals eudialyte and catapleiite. Samples from the Norra Kärr REE deposit in southern Sweden have been sent to ANZAPLAN to develop a tailored processing strategy and to carry out processing tests at ANZAPLAN´s pilot plant facilities. Processing work has been completed and a production of a larger amount of REO concentrate sample material will be the next step.
The recovery of potential byproducts e.g. feldspar and nepheline for applications in ceramics and glass industries is evaluated and may contribute to offsetting overall production cost.