In March 2012 ANZAPLAN’s competence in the field of Rietveld analysis was attested and monitored through passing the accreditation by the “Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle” DAkkS.
The Rietveld method is a powerful tool to determine the share of crystalline phases in powdered materials quantitatively. ANZAPLAN’s brand new state-of-the-art diffractometer (Bruker D8 advance) allows to have much quicker results and to solve the most intricate analytical problems of our demanding customers in a wide range of applications.
In various fields of application the Rietveld refinement is applied for the benefit of our customers from the raw materials, glass and ceramics industry. It is used as a means of process and quality control of raw materials and products. ANZAPLAN has successfully implemented Rietveld analysis for various problems such as e.g. lithium minerals in lithium ores, rare earth minerals, gypsum for REACH regulations, clinker phases in cement, free lime in blast furnace slag and SiC in refractory materials.
ANZAPLAN is one of the first commercial service providers in Rietveld analytics worldwide.