ANZAPLAN is recommended for REACH registration of gypsum

Since the first days of ANZAPLAN we are involved in the analysis and testing of building materials.
ANZAPLAN runs a laboratory which is assigned by the DACH-accreditation chamber, a signatory of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). Therefore analyses and testing by ANZAPLAN are internationally accepted.

In agreement with the German Association of Gypsum (Bundesverband der Gipsindustrie e.V.), ANZAPLAN offers the following services for the registration of gypsum required by REACH regulations:

1) Acid decomposition of gypsium
2) Complexometric determination of calcium
3) Gravimetric determination of sulphate
4) Thermogravimetric analysis
5) Determination of mineral phases by XRD

Other analytical services can also be performed at ANZAPLAN laboratory, i.e.
- Rietveld analysis for the quantification of mineral phases
- Complexometric determination of magnesium
- Wet chemistry phase analysis - recommended by the German Industry
   Research Committee for the determination of: soluble Anhydrite, calcium
   sulfate hemihydrate, hardly soluble Anhydrite, and insoluble Anhydrite
- Trace element analysis after digestion by ICP-OES
- Determination of soluble MgO
- SEM: Determination of crystal morphology and sizes including advanced
   powder preparation
- Specific Surface / BET
- Pore Size volume: total pore volume, meso + makro pore volume, and micro
   pore volume
- Grain Size Distribution of gypsum

All services by ANZAPLAN are certified and approved by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 for chemical and physical analysis.