Based on its experience and know-how gathered over decades as a leading international full service provider to the glass industry in the analytical characterization of raw materials and products, ANZAPLAN has provided some insights in the chemical analyses and characterization of glass by contributing an article to the Wiley Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture edited by Prof. Pascal Richet and guided by editorial advisers Prof. Reinhard Conradt and Prof. Akira Takada.
In the article “Chemical analyses and characterization of glass” authored by Dr. Thomas Bach, Dr. Reiner Haus and Dr. Sebastian Prinz standard analytical methods for the determination of the chemical composition of glass are reviewed and their advantages and limitations pointed out.
Different methods representing best practices in the glass industry are discussed in detail.
Please see our article in the Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture | Wiley Online Books.